Assessing the impact of delays in onset of mild cognitive impairment on the

   Lead Investigator:    Matthew Davis
   Institution      :    Medicus Economics
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    501

Publications: 1 Davis M, O'Connell T, Johnson S, Cline S, Merikle E, Martenyi F, Simpson K Modeling the Benefits of Delayed Onset of Mild Cognitive Impairment due to Alzheimer's Disease in the United States 2016 Abstract SMDM 38th Annual North American Meeting ,
2 Davis M, O'Connell T, Johnson S, Cline S, Merikle E, Martenyi F, Simpson KN Estimating Alzheimer's disease progression rates from normal cognition through mild cognitive impairment and stages of dementia 2018 Journal Article Curr Alzheimer Res ,PMC6156780

Proposal Description: